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National Data Repository: Filling up
Apr 28: The National Data Repository of the DGH has slowly started filling up
8ONGC has submitted the following data on a nomination basis:
82D Seismic (Processed): ~7,00,000 LKM approx.
83D Seismic (Processed): ~1,30,000 SKM approx.
8Well Data : Logs (LAS/DLIS)- 12,838 Nos., FER- 11,025 Nos., WCR– 11,125 Nos., Well Header- 5,905 Nos.,VSP- 1109 Nos.
8GM data for Onland and Offshore areas along with study reports in digital format.
8Geochemical data (WON, Cauvery, A&AA, MBA & Frontier Basins)
8Lab reports (Sedimentology/Palaeontology/Surface Geological) for Nomination Acreages/Blocks available with KDMIPE.
8The NDR has now acquired a very sizeable volume of data, Additionally, NELP data is being regularly submitted as per PSC provisions.
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