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Ban on FO and Petocoke-III: Why is India buying the world's dirtiest fuels?
Apr 21: Why is India buying Fuel Oil and Petcoke -- the world's dirtiest fuels -- in the world market?
8The reasons is because the world is awash with these fuels as more and more heavy oil is processed by refineries around the world
8The US is the largest producer and since regulations do not permit the use such fuel, it is exported to the rest of the world, including India.
8Today, the bulk of India’s imports come from the US – roughly 62 per cent. Another 24 per cent come from Saudi Arabia.
8China has been the largest importer but it has been putting the brakes on such imports of late
8However India is buying the world’s dirtiest fuel as if it has no worries of air pollution of our own.
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