Why are American shale gas cargoes coming into the Middle East?
Mar 28: In a turning of tables, American energy cargoes have began flowing to importing countries in the Middle East 8The United States quietly began exporting natural gas to the Middle East, when two cargoes of shale gas liquefied at Cheniere Energy’s Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana were exported to Kuwait. A third went to the United Arab Emirates. Jordan imported two more. 8This ought to sound odd as Kuwait and the UAE are two of the most petroleum-rich countries on earth, with a combined 12% of global oil and 4% of global gas reserves. 8They also sit in a region that holds more than 40% of global gas. Iran alone owns 18% of known reserves. Qatar has 13%. 8So why are these two countries importing shale gas all the way from America? Click on Reports to find out what is going on here