Mar 20: Did ONGC Videsh miss out on picking up a bigger pie in Myanmar's E&P acreages 8Myanmar, which was previously off limits to most IOCs because of international sanctions, could have a potential gas resource close to 849.6 bcm according to the government. 8OVL had the opportunity to take over acreages when the sanctions were there but did not fully take advantage of the situation 8International ompanies are now eying Mynamar with increasing interest 8Several wild cat and appraisal wells will be drilled off Myanmar this year as operators including Woodside Petroleum, Total and Shell start to mature blocks awarded from the hugely successful 2013 bid round. 8Earlier this month Total announced it was farming into a 50% stake in Thai NOC PTTEP’s deepwater Block MD-7 and that exploration drilling was a possibility. Click on Reports to find out more on what is going on in Myanmar