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Business opportunities
Mar 07: Maintenance in compressor station is coming up: RFQs by May, 2017
8An existing compressor station is going to conduct maintenance in its compressor station along a trunk pipeline route
8The maintenance job involves civil, electrical, mechanical work as well
Pipeline contract: RFQs by July, 2017
8An EPC contactor is planning to float RFQs for a 100 km pipeline stretch
8This stretch is part of a larger cross-country gas pipeline
8RFQs will be floated by July for materials and equipment
 Click on details for more 

Maintenance work is coming up in two POL terminals
8Civil and electrical work will conducted in one terminal
8In another, following activities will have to be performed by the contractor 
-- Ultrasonic thickness survey and other NDT services of POL Product Tanks.
-- Ultrasonic Thickness survey of Product Pipelines.
-- Radiographic inspection.
Click on Details for more


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