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Rs 10,000 crore fertilizer complex: Environmental clearance elicited
Mar 01: After a long haitus, the fertilizer sector is seeing some heavy investments, particuarly in new ammonia-urea plants. Visit our fertilizer portal, for more. 
8No one really too this particular project seriously thinking that it will never get off the ground but yet the promoters have elicited an environmental clearance for their greenfield project twin ammonia plants, each having a capacity of 2,200 metric tones per day (MTPD) along with two urea plants each with a capacity of  3850 MTPD, and one ammonia nitrate plant (0.33 MMPTA) as well as a nitric acid plant (0.264 MMPTA) in India.
8Clearly, land has been acquired as without it, it is not possible to elicit environmental clearance.
8The company has also proposed to set up a 2 x 67.5 MW Captive power plant.
8The project investment cost is a massive Rs. 10,000 crore.
8The company has already signed an agreement with GAIL (India) Ltd, for the supply of 5 MMSCMD of Natural gas
Following are the highlights
8Land preparation activities are done.
8Pre Feasibility Report is complete.
8Capital approval activities are underway.
8Contractor selection activities are underway
Click on Details and Report for Key contact and a full report on why promoters think this is going to be a successful project.


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