Production Data - II: Is RIL's D-6 crude output in permanent decline?
Feb 23: Crude oil production by OIL during January, 2017 was 0.274 MMT which is 14.83% lower than monthly target but 5.26% higher than production in January, 2016. 8Shortfall in production was mainly due to less than planned contribution from high producing areas like Greater Hapjan, Greater Chandmari fields & Naharkatiya fields on account of rise in water cut and less than envisaged contribution from newly drilled wells. Crude oil production by Pvt/JVs during January, 2017 was 0.885 MMT which is 3.42% lower than the monthly target and 6.33% lower than January, 2016. 8Reasons for shortfall in production are as under: -- RJ-ON-90/1: Liquid cut back in Mangala wells, Few high water cut wells closed at Mangala, poor reservoir performance of Bhagyam. -- Natural Decline in Ravva & CB-OS/2. -- Closure of 1 well in MA field in KG-DWN-98/3. The crude field is now facing sand ingress and high water cut problems and the shutting down of a well is an indicator of poor reservoir perforamnce Click on Reports for more