Feb 23:
We have begun providing more information on business opportunities coming up in the oil and gas sector in the future 8What we now provide are the following important parameters 8A precise description of the project 8When is the RFQ coming up in the future? 8Which are the equipment and services needed? 8Has capital approval been given? 8When are the start-up and completion dates? 8Who are the key contacts and their telephone numbers? 8As we go along, we will provide you several leads every day and hundreds of precise updates every month. Our information will be exclusive and forward looking. This will provide out readers the opportunity to strike strong relationships with project proponents well before a tender comes out. One such project in which we have the information relates to a Mumbai offshore block, where a 5 well appraisal drilling programme is coming up 8EC is expected in the 4th quarter of 2017 8RFQs in April, 2017 8LOA likely in September, 2017 8Construction start date is January, 2018 8End date is Q-1. 2020 Click on Details for project information and key contacts details in terms of name, designation and telephone numbers of those involved on the owner's side with the project.