Business OpportunityI:Captive Power plant coming up
Feb 20: The E&P major is desirous of Installing a gas based Captive Power Plant consisting of 800KW X2 units. 8The project is to be executed on turnkey basis. 8The Expression of Interest for the Supply, Installation and commissioning of gas based Captive Power plant is already out. 8The substation and civil structure for accommodating the plant and auxiliary equipments will also be made down the line. 8Various associated auxiliaries, control, protection and distribution system will be used in the project. 8The approximate cost of the project is around Rs.76 crore. 8The Notification of Award (NOA) will be released by 4th week of March 2017. 8The RFQs for the various associated items will be released by mid of April, 2017. Click on Details for more