2 new exploratory wells coming up in an on-land field
Feb 03: An operator is planning to drill 2 exploratory wells in a Gujarat field. 8Detailed in-house interpretation of 3D seismic data, inputs from nearby wells and other G&G data using latest interpretation software as a part of an ongoing exploration programme to accrete more hydrocarbon reserves is on process. 8The pre-drilling activities (e.g. land acquisition, civil works and approach road preparation etc.) have already been started. These activities are expected to be finalised in the next 2 months. 8New business opportunity is expected to come for the “Procurement of Drilling Equipments” in May 2017”. 8The cost for the exploratory drilling of two well is around Rs.125 crore 8Further exploration and the developments will be proposed depending upon the feasibility of the two exploratory wells. 8Operation may take around 4-5 months for drilling of one well. 8The RFQs for High Pressure Inlet Gas Manifold connecting wells to the Gas gathering station will floated by May,2017. 8The RFQs for Piping and manifolds will floated by May 2017. 8Subsequently the RFQs for Rigs, Drills, Casing pipes, Drill Pipes will float down the line 8In addition to this, ONGC is also planning to introduce the new technology in waste management by the recovery of oil from oily sludge by thermo-catalytic conversion or equivalent process and safe Disposal of residual waste. Click on details for more.