Rs 120 crore New Gas Gathering Station (GGS)-I: RFQs coming up
Feb 02: TOR has been granted on 31 Mar 2016. 8EC is expected by end of May, 2017. 8Public hearing has been done for the project, but land for the pipelines is still to be acquired. 8RFQs will float for the equipments of GGS by the end of April 2017 and tenders will be released by June 2017. 8Currently, the operator is involved in the construction of access roads for the GCS sites 8Tenders for the civil works like piling, cementing etc will come in 2nd half of Feb 2017. In addition to the above, RFQs are expected to floated by April, 2017 for: 8Pipelines 8Manifold 8Header 8Piping system 8Test separator 8Production separator 8Test tank 8Production tank 8Oil Transfer pump 8Flare stack system Click on Details for more.