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BP's new projections show emissions won't go down in 20 years-V: Fossil fuel demand from transportations sector will continue to rise
Jan 30: In 2015, cars accounted for 19 Mb/d of liquid fuel demand - a fifth of global demand.
8All else equal, a doubling in the demand for car travel over the Outlook would lead to a doubling in the liquid fuel demand from cars.
8But improvements in fuel efficiency reduce this potential growth significantly (by 17 Mb/d) as manufacturers respond to stricter vehicle emission standards. An average passenger car is expected to achieve almost 50 miles per US gallon in 2035, compared with less than 30 MPG in 2015 - a faster rate of efficiency improvement than in the past.
8The growth of electric cars also mitigates the growth in oil demand, but the effect is much smaller: the 100 million increase in electric cars reduces oil demand growth by 1.2 Mb/d. By comparison, this is around a tenth of the impact of the gains in vehicle efficiency.
8Overall, the increase in demand for car travel from the growing middle class in emerging economies overpowers the effects of improving fuel efficiency and electrification, such that liquid fuel demand for cars rises by 4 Mb/d - around a quarter of the total growth over the Outlook.
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