November performance-I: ONGC crude output curtailed by choking of B-193 export pipeline in Bassein
Dec 23: Crude oil production during November, 2016 was 2.875 MMT which is 5.65% and 5.40% lower than target and production achieved in November, 2015 respectively. 8Cumulative crude oil production during April-November, 2016 was 23.990 MMT which is 1.76% and 3.53% lower than target and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. 8Crude oil production by ONGC during November, 2016 was 1.823 MMT which is 2.35% lower than the monthly target and 0.75% less when compared with November, 2015.| 8Cumulative crude oil production during April-November, 2016 was 14.724 MMT which is 1.45% lower than target for the period and 1.73% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year 8Reasons for shortfall in production are as under: 8Natural decline from matured & marginal fields of Mumbai high. 8Operational loss in Bassein due to suspected wax deposition and choking in the B-193 export pipeline. Click on Reports for more