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November performance-II: High water cut in OIL wells and shutdown of well in RIL's MA field cause output to fall in non-ONGC fields
Dec 23: Crude oil production by OIL during November, 2016 was .269 MMT which is 7.65% lower than monthly target but 1.73% higher than production in November 2015.
8Cumulative crude oil production during April-November, 2016 was 2.149 MMT which is 2.31% lower than target for the period and 1.40% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year.
8The major reason for shortfall in production was less than planned contribution from high producing areas like Greater Hapjan, Greater Chandmari and Nahorkatiya fields, primarily on account of rise in water cut.
8Similarly, crude oil production by Pvt. /JVs during November, 2016 was .783 MMT which is 11.92% lower than the monthly target and 16.52% lower than November, 2015.
8Cumulative crude oil production during April-November, 2016 was 7.115 MMT which is 2.23% lower than target for the period and 7.63% lower than the production during corresponding period of last year.
8Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:
-- RJ-ON-90/1: Planned shutdown at Mangala Processing Terminal; High Water cut in wells of Bhagyam field & Natural Decline of Mangala wells.
-- Natural Decline in Ravva & CB-OS/2.
-- Panna-Mukta : PC platform shutdown due to riser integrity issue.
-- Closure of 1well in MA field in KG-DWN-98/3.
-- CY-ONN-2002/2: Under Test Production.
-- Underperformance of KG- OSN-2001/3.
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