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Petrotech highlights
Dec 09: The website carries here the following Petrotech highlights
8Details of various events that promoted gas as the new road to a cleaner future
8A lecture series on the future beyond fossil fuel
8PayTM founder's speech that highlights how cashless transactions can revolutionize the Indian petroleum retail segment
8Highlights from the ministerial session
8Awards given and Nominations made
8Interview with T.K. Sengupta on ONGC's deepwater development programme
8Transforming India; Key initiatives by the petroleum ministry
8Technology showcases
8Make in India initiatives
8Buyer-seller meets
8Cairn India; How it wants to win the game "differently"
8Foreign oil ministers' collaboration agreements with India
8Details of MOUs signed and Start-up funds launched
8Future of upstream,: A techno-managerial challenge
8The growing prominence of Asian refining
8Arun Jaitley's speech
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