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Rs 2000 crore FRSU coming up-II: Details of RFQ dates
Dec 06: The RFQ’s for FRSU are expected to float in the following manner:
8Appointment of Project Management Consultant in February,2017
8Award of contract for Dredging to be given in May,2017
8Award of Jetty Civil Construction in June,2017
8Award of Subsea Pipeline in July,2017
8Award of Jetty top facilities to be given in July,2017
8Award for Onshore Receipt Facilities to be given in August,2017
Similarly, the completion dates are as follows:
8Completion of ordering of long delivery items by June,2017
8Completion of Basin Dredging activities by September,2017
8Completion of Jetty Structural works by june,2018
8Completion of subsea pipeline byJune,2018
8Delivery of HP Gas Arms by September,2018
8Completion channel dredging by August,2018
8Completion of installation of jetty equipment by November,2018
8Completion of Onshore Receipt Facilities by December,2018
8Commissioning of the project is expected in February,2019.
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