Development drilling-II: RFQs for EPS, tank farm and CPF by July, 2017
Dec 05: Along with the big development drilling programme, there will be a requirement for Early Production Systems, Central Tank Farm and a Central Processing Facility 8RFQs are expected around July, 2017 Among the equipment required will be: 8Oil Tanks 8Pipe Racks 8Pig Launcher/Pig Receiver 8Chemical Injection System. 8Tank Breather valves/vent valves 8Air Dryer Unit 8Blast Resistant Doors 8Fireproofing Material 8Insulation (Hot and Cold) for Equipment/Piping etc. 8Lighting and Electrification of Roads, Plants and Building Including Cables, Masts, Electrical fittings, & Accessories, Fire Protection Work including Material etc. 8Reservoir Monitoring system 8Cathodic Protection System 8Casing Head, Tubing Head and valves & spares 8Water Storage Tank 8Hydraulic Pump 8Perforated Pipe 8Heater 8Waste Removal Click on Details for more