Naphtha cracker expansion project: RFQs in February, 2017
Nov 29: An existing company plans to enhance its naphtha cracker maximum design capacity which lead to an increase in the production of intermediates such as ethylene and propylene. A range of new products will be produced, including: 8Butene-1 and Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) 8Phenol and Acetone 8Poly Butylene Terephthalate (PBT) and Tetrahydrofuran (THF) 8Vinyl Acetate Ethylene (VAE) 8Additional Chain of HDPE (Train-3) 8To support the expansion program augmentation of ancillary facilities such as storage, loading/unloading, utilities system, equipment will also be necessary for the proposed project. 8The total cost of the project is around Rs. 4500 crore. 8EC is expected to be granted by June 2017. List of new units and equipments required: --Naphtha Cracking Unit -- Alkylation Unit -- Captive power uinit ( 35 MW ) -- Furnance -- Crackers -- Pumps -- Compressors 8RFQ's for the units will be floated by January, 2017. Click on Reports for more