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Gas may lose out in India-II: Or renewables will keep gas out
Nov 23: While one scenario looks at continued use of coal -- by using high technology ultra super critical turbines -- by the Indian power sector, another sees a dramatic decarbonization of the sector.
8If the world were to stay within the 1.5-2% climate change target,  there will have to be an unexpected decarbonisation of the Indian electricity grid, with coal fired power generation falling from 75% in 2014 to 52% by 2040, and a radical 12% by 2040 under what is called the "450 Scenario".
8Following the well-established path of transformation evident in China, India's planner may look at rapid grid and energy efficiency gains combined with diversification from coal into all alternative sources available.
8Beyond the policy implications of the energy-water nexus plus the health and climate change drivers, the financial driver of increasingly cost competitive renewable energy has become clear over 2016.
8A second key economic motivation for India improving domestic self-sufficiency is that India’s oil and gas imports are forecast to drain an annual US$460bn from the economy by 2040, an unaffordable
sevenfold increase on US$65bn in 2015.
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