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Mozambique LNG project: Is there hope for the Indian trio?
Jul 14: At the beginning of June 2017, a final investment decision (FID) was taken for the Coral Floating LNG in Mozambique underpinned by a portfolio player's commitment to offtake all production.
8The LNG project will tap into a super gas reservoir in Mozambique, the other end of which -- known as the  Rovuma Area 1 Offshore block -- is owned by Anadarko Petroleum, in which the Indian trio -- made up of ONGC, Bharat Petro Resoures Ltd (BPRL) and Oil India Ltd  (OIL) -- are involved.
8The reserves are estimated at a massive 50 to 70 TCF of gas just for Rovuma Area 1.
8Does the go-ahead for the Coral Floating LNG project mean that a similar kick-up is expected for the Anandarko operated project?
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