Jul 03: Price of crude oil in India 8Trend in price of Indian basket crude oil and petroleum products in international markets 52 8Price build-up of PDS kerosene at Mumbai 53 8Element wise explanation of price build up of PDS kerosene 54 8Price build-up of domestic LPG at Delhi 55 8Element wise explanation of price build up of domestic LPG 56 8Summarised buildup of Retail Selling Price (RSP) of petrol diesel, kerosene and LPG 8Share of taxes in Retail Selling Price (RSP) of petroleum products (petrol and diesel) 8Share of taxes in Retail Selling Price (RSP) of petroleum products: Diesel 59 8Break up of current excise duty on petrol & diesel 59 8Share of taxes in RSP of PDS kerosene and LPG 8Weightage of petroleum products in Wholesale Price Index (WPI) 61 8Estimated impact of increase in Retail Selling Price (RSP) of major petroleum products on inflation (WPI index) 8Dealer's commission on petrol & diesel 62 8Wholesale dealer's commission on PDS kerosene Click on Reports for more