Business opportunity-I: Construction of Early production system
Feb 21:
The E & P major is planning for the construction of new Early Production Station
and associated pipeline network near a drilling site
infrastructure and roads for Early Production Station and pipeline are being
laid down.
gas from aPML
be taken to the Early Production Station
cost of the project is around Rs.72 crore.
Clearance is not required as the location is within the existing drilling site
for which clearance has already been taken.
RFQs are expected to come up by May 2017.
--The RFQ for the pipeline is expected by the end of May 2017.
--The RFQ for the Manifold by May-2017.
--The RFQ for the Header by May-2017.
--The RFQ for the Piping system in May-2017.
--The RFQ for the Test separator by the end of May 2017.
--The RFQ for the Production separator by May-2017.
--The RFQ for the Test tank by the end of May 2017.
--The RFQ for the Production tank by May-2017.
--The RFQ for the Oil Transfer pump in May-2017.
--The RFQ for the Flare stack system by May-2017.